about us


Microservicer, with its dual origin in Stockholm, Sweden, and San Francisco, USA, is a pioneering force in the IT consultancy world. Blending the best of European ingenuity and American technological prowess.

Stockholm, Sweden:

  • Stockholm is a center of sustainable innovation and efficient problem-solving. It reflects Sweden’s commitment to environmental consciousness and a balanced approach to technology and life.

San Francisco, USA:

  • San Francisco is in the epicenter of global tech innovation. This location provides us access to cutting-edge technologies, trendsetting start-ups, and a diverse talent pool, enabling us to stay ahead in a rapidly evolving industry.

Our Philosophy:

  • We believe in creating solutions that are sustainable, efficient, and forward-thinking. Our approach combines the best of both worlds: Scandinavian design principles and Silicon Valley’s innovative spirit.

Leveraging a Network for Comprehensive Solutions

At Microservicer, we believe in the power of diverse expertise to deliver comprehensive solutions. Beyond our core strengths in engineering and technology strategy, we embrace collaboration with professionals from a variety of fields.

Our Approach

By combining profound engineering expertise with sharp business insights we can translate complex technical challenges into strategic business advantages.

Our Mission

We prioritize enhancing human capital, recognizing that the success of any technological transformation largely depends on the people behind it. This includes continuous learning and development opportunities for both our team and our clients.

Our Vision

To rapidly adapt to changing environments and technologies positions us at the forefront of innovation, ready to tackle emerging challenges and opportunities.

Wilhelm Perdahl

Wilhelm Perdahl


The dynamic force at Microservicer’s core. With a rich background as a Senior Developer and CTO, he blends deep technical expertise with strategic business insight.

Championing modular code and efficient solutions, Wilhelm excels in transforming complex IT challenges into opportunities for growth and innovation. His leadership is not just about technical guidance; it’s about inspiring a culture of learning and empowerment

Group of people working

Collaborative Expertise

Our expansive network includes talented designers, data scientists, user experience experts, and developers. These professionals bring a wealth of knowledge and creativity, vital for addressing the multifaceted challenges of today’s digital landscape.

The network of diverse professionals, including designers and data scientists, allows us to offer holistic solutions that exceeds the expectations of the projects.